助力酒店管理 | 提升英语能力



## 1. 基础词汇

1. reservation - 预订

2. availability - 可用性

3. confirm - 确认

4. inquire - 询问

5. availability - 可用性

6. guest name - 客人姓名

7. contact number - 联系电话

8. date - 日期

9. time - 时间

10. special request - 特殊要求


## 2. 关键句型

1. Can I make a reservation, please?

- 我可以预订一下吗?

- 这句句型用于主动向对方表达预订的意愿。


2. What dates are you looking to book?

- 您想预订哪几天的房间?

- 这句句型用于询问对方所需预订的具体日期。


3. Do you have any availability on [date]?

- [date] 这天有空房吗?

- 这句句型用于询问对方特定日期的房间可用性。


4. I'd like to book a table for [number of people] at [time].

- 我想预订 [时间] 的 [人数] 号桌。

- 这句句型用于主动预订特定时间和人数的桌位。


5. Could you please confirm the reservation?

- 请您确认一下这个预订好吗?

- 这句句型用于请求对方确认已经进行的预订。


## 3. 情景对话


Waiter: Good afternoon, XYZ Restaurant. How may I assist you?

Guest: I would like to make a dinner reservation for two.

Waiter: Certainly. What date and time would you prefer?

Guest: How about this Friday at 7:00 p.m.?

Waiter: Let me check the availability. Yes, we have a table available for that time. May I have your name, please?

Guest: It's John Smith.

Waiter: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Could you please provide me with a contact number in case we need to reach you?

Guest: Sure, my contact number is 123-456-7890.

Waiter: Great! Your reservation for two at 7:00 p.m. this Friday under the name John Smith is confirmed. We look forward to welcoming you.

Guest: Thank you for your assistance. See you on Friday.


## 4. 课堂练习




1. Customer: "_____________________?"

Waiter: "Sure, what date and time would you like to book?"

A. Can I make a reservation, please?

B. Do you have any availability on Sunday?

C. How can I assist you?



2. Waiter: "What ________ are you looking to book?"

Customer: "I want to reserve a table for tomorrow night."

A. dishes

B. dates

C. restaurants



3. Customer: "I need a reservation for a party of five at 8:00 p.m."

Waiter: "__________"

A. What can I do for you.

B. Just a moment.

C. Sure, may I have your name, please?



4. Waiter: "Do you have any ___________? Mr. Johnson has requested a spacious table."

Customer: "Yes, we have a few available tables near the window."

A. requests

B. waiters

C. tables



5. Customer: "___________ the reservation for two at 7:30 p.m."

Waiter: "Certainly, the table is booked under the name Mary Williams."

A. Could you please confirm

B. I would like to make

C. What dates are you looking to book




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