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前厅英语 | 更改预订 Modify Reservation


英文 中文
reservation 预订
confirmation number 确认号码
check-in date 入住日期
check-out date 退房日期
room type 房型
room rate 房价
cancellation policy 取消政策
modify 修改
cancel 取消
availability 可用性
occupancy 入住率
upgrade 升级
downgrade 降级
charge 收费
refund 退款
penalty 罚款
reason 原因
apologize 道歉
confirm 确认
rebook 重新预订


  1. I’m sorry, we don’t have any (room type) available for (date). 我很抱歉,我们没有(date)的(room type)可供预订。
    • 这是一种表示没有可用房间的句型,用于回答客人想要更改预订的房型或日期的请求。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意礼貌地向客人道歉,并尽量提供其他的选择或建议,比如不同的房型、日期或酒店。
    • 例句:
      • I’m sorry, we don’t have any deluxe rooms available for July 15th. Would you like to book a standard room instead? 我很抱歉,我们没有7月15日的豪华房可供预订。您是否愿意预订一间标准房呢?
      • I’m sorry, we don’t have any suites available for this weekend. How about next weekend? 我很抱歉,我们没有这个周末的套房可供预订。下个周末怎么样?
  2. I can modify your reservation, but there will be a (charge/penalty) of (amount). 我可以修改您的预订,但是会有(amount)的(收费/罚款)。
    • 这是一种表示修改预订需要额外费用的句型,用于提醒客人更改预订可能会导致价格变化或违反取消政策。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意清楚地说明收费或罚款的金额和原因,并征得客人的同意后再进行修改。
    • 例句:
      • I can modify your reservation, but there will be a charge of $50 for changing the room type. 我可以修改您的预订,但是更换房型需要额外收费50美元。
      • I can modify your reservation, but there will be a penalty of $100 for cancelling within 24 hours. 我可以修改您的预订,但是在24小时内取消需要支付100美元的罚款。
  3. I’m happy to inform you that we can upgrade your reservation to a (room type) at no extra cost. 我很高兴地通知您,我们可以免费为您升级预订到(room type)。
    • 这是一种表示提供免费升级的句型,用于给客人一个惊喜或补偿客人的不满。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意表达诚挚的祝福,并介绍升级后房间的优势和特色。
    • 例句:
      • I’m happy to inform you that we can upgrade your reservation to a suite at no extra cost. As our valued guest, we want to make your stay as comfortable as possible. 我很高兴地通知您,我们可以免费为您升级预订到套房。作为我们尊贵的客人,我们希望让您的住宿尽可能舒适。
      • I’m happy to inform you that we can upgrade your reservation to a sea view room at no extra cost. You will enjoy the beautiful scenery and the fresh breeze from your balcony. 我很高兴地通知您,我们可以免费为您升级预订到海景房。您将享受美丽的风景和阳台上的清新微风。
  4. I’m afraid we have to downgrade your reservation to a (room type) due to (reason). 我很遗憾地告诉您,由于(reason),我们不得不将您的预订降级到(room type)。
    • 这是一种表示无法满足客人预订的房型的句型,用于处理客人的投诉或不满。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意诚恳地向客人道歉,并解释降级的原因和后果,并尽量提供一些补偿或优惠,比如退款、折扣或免费服务。
    • 例句:
      • I’m afraid we have to downgrade your reservation to a standard room due to a water leak in your deluxe room. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and we will refund you the difference in price. 我很遗憾地告诉您,由于您的豪华房发生了水管漏水,我们不得不将您的预订降级到标准房。我们为给您带来的不便深表歉意,并将退还您房价的差额。
      • I’m afraid we have to downgrade your reservation to a city view room due to overbooking. We apologize for the mistake and we will offer you a 20% discount on your room rate. 我很遗憾地告诉您,由于过度预订,我们不得不将您的预订降级到城市景观房。我们为这个错误道歉,并将为您提供20%的房价折扣。
  5. What is the reason for modifying/cancelling your reservation? 您修改/取消预订的原因是什么?
    • 这是一种询问客人更改预订意图的句型,用于了解客人的需求和情况,并提供相应的服务或建议。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意礼貌地询问客人,并根据客人的回答给出合适的反馈或解决方案。
    • 例句:
      • What is the reason for modifying your reservation? 您修改预订的原因是什么?
        • I need to change my check-in date because my flight was delayed. 我需要更改我的入住日期,因为我的航班延误了。
        • OK, no problem. What is your new check-in date? 好的,没问题。您的新入住日期是什么?
      • What is the reason for cancelling your reservation? 您取消预订的原因是什么?
        • I have to cancel my reservation because of a family emergency. 我必须取消我的预订,因为有家庭紧急事情。
        • I’m sorry to hear that. I hope everything is OK. We will cancel your reservation without any penalty. 我很难过听到这个。我希望一切都好。我们将无条件取消您的预订。
  6. Can you please provide me with your confirmation number and name? 您能否请提供您的确认号码和姓名?
    • 这是一种核实客人身份和预订信息的句型,用于在修改或取消预订之前确认客人的信息是否正确和有效。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意礼貌地请求客人提供信息,并根据信息进行查询和验证。
    • 例句:
      • Can you please provide me with your confirmation number and name? 您能否请提供您的确认号码和姓名?
        • Yes, my confirmation number is 123456 and my name is John Smith. 是的,我的确认号码是123456,我的姓名是约翰·史密斯。
  • Thank you, Mr. Smith. I have found your reservation. You booked a double room for two nights from August 25th to August 27th. Is that correct? 谢谢您,史密斯先生。我找到了您的预订。您预订了一间双人房,从8月25日住到8月27日。这是正确的吗?
  1. Would you like to rebook your reservation for a later date or cancel it completely? 您是否想要将您的预订改为一个更晚的日期或完全取消?
    • 这是一种提供客人重新预订或取消的选项的句型,用于在客人无法按照原计划入住时给予客人一些灵活性和方便。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意根据客人的需求和酒店的情况,给出合理和可行的重新预订或取消的条件和政策。
    • 例句:
      • Would you like to rebook your reservation for a later date or cancel it completely? We can hold your reservation for up to six months without any charge. 您是否想要将您的预订改为一个更晚的日期或完全取消?我们可以免费为您保留预订长达六个月。
      • Would you like to rebook your reservation for a later date or cancel it completely? If you cancel your reservation now, you will have to pay a 50% penalty. 您是否想要将您的预订改为一个更晚的日期或完全取消?如果您现在取消预订,您将需要支付50%的罚款。
  2. I have modified/cancelled your reservation as requested. Please check your email for the confirmation. 我已经按照您的要求修改/取消了您的预订。请查看您的电子邮件以确认。
    • 这是一种表示完成客人更改预订请求的句型,用于在修改或取消预订后向客人确认并提供证明。
    • 使用这个句型时,要注意向客人表示感谢,并提醒客人查看电子邮件以确认修改或取消的详情和凭证。
    • 例句:
      • I have modified your reservation as requested. You have changed your check-in date from August 25th to August 28th. Please check your email for the confirmation. 我已经按照您的要求修改了您的预订。您已经将您的入住日期从8月25日改为8月28日。请查看您的电子邮件以确认。
      • I have cancelled your reservation as requested. You will receive a full refund within 24 hours. Please check your email for the confirmation. 我已经按照您的要求取消了您的预订。您将在24小时内收到全额退款。请查看您的电子邮件以确认。


  • A: Good morning, Hotel front desk,  how can I help you?
  • B: Hello, this is Mr. Wang. I booked a room at your hotel for 5 days and 4 nights during the summer vacation, from August 10th to August 14th, through Ctrip.
  • A: OK, Mr. Wang, do you have a confirmation number?
  • B: Yes, my confirmation number is 123456.
  • A: OK, I have found your reservation. You booked a sea view king room, for 800 yuan per night.
  • B: Yes, that’s the one. But I have a problem now. I was supposed to fly to Hainan today, but my flight was cancelled because of the typhoon.
  • A: Oh, that’s unfortunate. How do you want to handle your reservation then?
  • B: I want to modify my reservation, and postpone it by 2 days, from August 12th to August 16th.
  • A: No problem, I can do that for you. According to our hotel policy, we can change your reservation for free, but we have to check if the room type you booked is still available for the new dates.
  • B: OK, thank you. Please check it for me.
  • A: Sure, please hold on for a moment. … OK, I have checked it for you. Good news, we still have a sea view king room available for August 12th to August 16th.
  • B: That’s great. Thank you very much.
  • A: You’re welcome. I have modified your reservation as requested. Please check your email for the confirmation.
  • B: OK, I will check it right away.
  • A: Thank you for choosing our hotel. We look forward to seeing you soon.
  • B: Thank you for your help. Have a nice day.
  • A: You too. Goodbye.


  • A: 酒店前台,您好,有什么可以帮助您的吗?
  • B: 您好,我是王先生,我通过携程预订了您酒店暑假期间5天4晚的房间,从8月10日到8月14日。
  • A: 好的,王先生,请问您有确认号码吗?
  • B: 有的,我的确认号码是123456。
  • A: 好的,我找到了您的预订。您预订了一间海景大床房,每晚800元。
  • B: 是的,就是这个预订。但是我现在有一个问题,我今天本来要飞到海南的,但是因为台风原因,我的航班取消了。
  • A: 哦,真遗憾。那么您想要怎么处理您的预订呢?
  • B: 我想要更改我的预订,往后推迟2天,从8月12日到8月16日。
  • A: 没问题,我可以为您办理。根据我们酒店的政策,我们可以免费为您更改预订,但是我们需要检查一下您预订的房型在新的日期是否还有空余。
  • B: 好的,谢谢您。请帮我查一下。
  • A: 好的,请稍等一下。…好了,我为您查好了。好消息,我们还有一间海景大床房在8月12日到8月16日可供预订。
  • B: 太好了。非常感谢您。
  • A: 不客气。我已经按照您的要求更改了您的预订。请查看您的电子邮件以确认。
  • B: 好的,我马上查看。
  • A: 谢谢您选择我们酒店。我们期待着您的光临。
  • B: 谢谢您的帮助。祝您有美好的一天。
  • A: 您也是。再见。



  • A: Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?
  • B: Hi, I would like to __ my reservation.
  • A:Sure, what is your confirmation number and name?
  • B: My confirmation number is 123456 and my name is John Smith.
  • A:OK, I have found your reservation. What would you like to change?
  • B: I need to change my check-in date from August 25th to August 28th.
  • A:No problem, I can do that for you.
    • A) modify
    • B) cancel
    • C) upgrade
    • D) downgrade



  • A: Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?
  • B: Hi, I have a reservation for tonight, but I’m afraid I have to cancel it.
  • A:I’m sorry to hear that. What is the __ for cancelling your reservation?
  • B: I have a family emergency and I have to fly back home.
  • A:I understand. We will cancel your reservation without any penalty.
  • B: Thank you, I appreciate it.
    • A) reason
    • B) charge
    • C) confirmation
    • D) policy



  • A: Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?
  • B: Hi, I have a reservation for a standard room, but I would like to change it to a deluxe room.
  • A:Sure, let me check the __ for you. When is your check-in date?
  • B: My check-in date is August 25th.
  • A:OK, I’m sorry, we don’t have any deluxe rooms available for that date. Would you like to book a suite instead?
  • B: How much is the suite?
  • A:The suite is $300 per night.
    • A) availability
    • B) occupancy
    • C) cancellation
    • D) reservation



  • A: Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?
  • B: Hi, I have a reservation for a suite, but I’m not satisfied with the room.
  • A:I’m sorry to hear that. What is the problem with the room?
  • B: The room is too noisy and the air conditioner is not working properly.
  • A:I apologize for the inconvenience. I’m afraid we have to __ your reservation to a standard room due to maintenance issues. We will offer you a 50% discount on your room rate and a free breakfast as compensation.
  • B: Well, that’s not what I expected, but I guess I have no choice.
    • A) upgrade
    • B) downgrade
    • C) modify
    • D) cancel



  • A: Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?
  • B: Hi, I have a reservation for a sea view room, but I would like to change it to a city view room.
  • A:Sure, may I ask why you want to change your room type?
  • B: I prefer the city view because it’s more lively and colorful.
  • A:I see. Well, I’m happy to inform you that we can __ your reservation to a city view room at no extra cost. You will enjoy the beautiful skyline and the night lights from your window.
  • B: Thank you, that’s very kind of you.
    • A) upgrade
    • B) downgrade
    • C) modify
    • D) cancel


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