助力酒店管理 | 提升英语能力

礼宾英语 | 客人寄存的行李遗失


Part 1.行李遗失工作流程


  • 当客人来到礼宾部领取寄存的行李时,如果发现行李不见了,或者行李与客人提供的行李牌不符合,应立即通知礼宾部经理或主管。

  • 礼宾部经理或主管应及时到场,向客人道歉,并询问客人寄存行李的时间、地点、数量、颜色、形状、大小、特征等信息,以便核实行李的情况。
  • 礼宾部经理或主管应安排礼宾员在酒店内外寻找客人的行李,同时联系其他部门(如前台、安保、客房等),查看是否有客人的行李被误送或误拿。
  • 如果在一定时间内(如30分钟)仍然找不到客人的行李,礼宾部经理或主管应再次向客人道歉,并告知客人目前的处理情况,同时请求客人填写《行李遗失报告单》,并提供有效的身份证件和联系方式。


  • 《行李遗失报告单》是一份重要的文件,用于记录客人的基本信息、行李的详细描述、行李的估计价值、行李遗失的原因和责任方等内容,以便于后续的赔偿和调查工作。
  • 填写《行李遗失报告单》时,应注意以下几点:
    • 报告单应由礼宾部经理或主管亲自填写,不得委托他人代劳。
    • 报告单应使用黑色或蓝色钢笔书写,不得使用铅笔或红色笔。
    • 报告单应填写完整、清晰、准确,不得有涂改或缺漏。
    • 报告单应由客人本人签字确认,不得由他人代签。
    • 报告单应留存一式三份,分别交给客人、礼宾部和总经理办公室。

Part 2. 基础词汇

英文词汇 音标 中文意思
luggage /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ/ 行李
baggage /ˈbæɡɪdʒ/ 行李
check baggage /tʃek ˈbæɡɪdʒ/ 寄存行李
claim tag /kleɪm tæɡ/ 行李牌
luggage rack /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ræk/ 行李架
luggage trolley /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ˈtrɒli/ 行李车
luggage depository /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ dɪˈpɒzɪtəri/ 行李存放处
lost and found /lɒst ənd faʊnd/ 失物招领处
valuables /ˈvæljuəblz/ 贵重物品
fragile objects /ˈfrædʒaɪl ˈɒbdʒɪkts/ 易碎物品
concierge /ˌkɒnsiˈeəʒ/ 礼宾部
bellman /ˈbelmən/ 行李生
doorman /ˈdɔːmən/ 门童
driver /ˈdraɪvə/ 司机
report form /rɪˈpɔːt fɔːm/ 报告单
compensation claim /ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn kleɪm/ 赔偿要求
investigation report /ɪnˌvestɪˈgeɪʃn rɪˈpɔːt/ 调查报告
apology letter /əˈpɒlədʒi ˈletə/ 道歉信
customer satisfaction survey /ˌkʌstəmə sætɪsˈfækʃn ˈsɜːveɪ/ 客户满意度调查

Part 3. 关键句型


  • Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. Do you have your claim tag?
    • 根据不同的时间段,选择合适的问候语,如早上用Good morning,下午用Good afternoon,晚上用Good evening。
    • 根据客人的性别,选择合适的称呼,如男性用sir,女性用madam。
    • claim tag是指寄存行李时领取的一张小卡片,上面有行李的数量和编号,用于领取行李时核对。
    • 早上/下午/晚上好,先生/女士。您有您的行李牌吗?
    • 这是一个礼貌而标准的问候语,用于向客人询问他们是否有寄存行李时领取的行李牌,以便核对行李的数量和编号。
    • 注意事项:
  • Please wait a moment, I’ll get your luggage for you.
    • wait a moment是一个常用的口语表达,表示让对方稍等一会儿。
    • get your luggage for you是一个表示为对方办事的句型,其中for you表示为了你或为你服务。
    • 请稍等一下,我去给您拿行李。
    • 这是一个礼貌而简洁的回答语,用于向客人表示自己将去取回他们寄存的行李。
    • 注意事项:
  • Here is your luggage, sir/madam. Please check if everything is in order.
    • check if everything is in order是一个表示检查是否一切正常的句型,其中in order表示正常或有序。
    • 如果客人有多件行李,可以在这句话前加上There are … pieces in total.表示总共有多少件。
    • 这是您的行李,先生/女士。请检查一下是否都完好无损。
    • 这是一个礼貌而周到的交付语,用于将行李交还给客人,并提醒他们检查一下是否有遗漏或损坏。
    • 注意事项:


  • I’m sorry to hear that, sir/madam. Could you please tell me when and where did you check your luggage?
    • I’m sorry to hear that是一个表示对对方不幸遭遇感到遗憾的句型,其中hear that表示听到那个消息。
    • Could you please…是一个表示委婉请求对方做某事的句型,其中please表示请或拜托。
    • 很抱歉听到这个消息,先生/女士。您能告诉我您是什么时候和在哪里寄存您的行李吗?
    • 这是一个表示歉意和询问情况的语言,用于向客人表达同情,并了解他们寄存行李的时间和地点,以便核实和查找。
    • 注意事项:
  • Please don’t worry, sir/madam. I’ll contact the bell captain and see if we can find your luggage as soon as possible.
    • Please don’t worry是一个表示安抚对方不要紧张的句型,其中don’t表示不要。
    • I’ll contact…是一个表示将要做某事的句型,其中I’ll是I will的缩写,表示我将要。
    • 请不要担心,先生/女士。我会联系行李台主管,看看我们能否尽快找到您的行李。
    • 这是一个表示安慰和承诺的语言,用于向客人保证自己会尽力帮助他们找回他们的行李,并联系相关部门进行协调和查询。
    • 注意事项:
  • I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience, sir/madam. We have checked all the possible places, but we still can’t find your luggage.
    • I’m terribly sorry for…是一个表示对某事感到非常抱歉的句型,其中terribly表示非常,for表示因为或对于。
    • We have checked…是一个表示已经做过某事的句型,其中have表示已经,checked表示检查。
    • 非常抱歉给您带来了不便,先生/女士。我们已经查遍了所有可能的地方,但是我们仍然找不到您的行李。
    • 这是一个表示深切歉意和汇报结果的语言,用于向客人坦诚自己没有找到他们的行李,并表达自己的歉意和遗憾。
    • 注意事项:

Part 4. 情景对话

  • Bellman: Good afternoon, sir. Do you have your claim tag?
  • Guest: Yes, here you are.
  • Bellman: Thank you. Please wait a moment, I’ll get your luggage for you.
  • (The bellman goes to the luggage room and comes back with two pieces of luggage.)
  • Bellman: Here are your luggage, sir. There are two pieces in total. Please check if everything is in order.
  • Guest: Wait a minute, I have three pieces of luggage. Where is the other one?
  • Bellman: I’m sorry, sir. I only found two pieces of luggage with this claim tag. Could you please tell me what the other one looks like?
  • Guest: It’s a large orange paper bag with some children’s clothes inside. I put it on the luggage rack with the other two when I checked them this morning.
  • Bellman: I see. Please don’t worry, sir. I’ll go back to the luggage room and look for it again.
  • (The bellman goes to the luggage room again and searches for the missing luggage, but he still can’t find it.)
  • Bellman: I’m terribly sorry, sir. I’ve checked all the possible places, but I still can’t find your luggage.
  • Guest: What? How can this happen? This is unacceptable!
  • Bellman: I understand your frustration, sir. Please let me report this to my supervisor and see what we can do.
  • (The bellman calls his supervisor and explains the situation.)
  • Supervisor: (arriving at the scene) Good afternoon, sir. I’m the bell captain of this hotel. I’ve heard about your missing luggage and I apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Guest: Well, apology is not enough. Where is my luggage? It has some important items for my kids.
  • Supervisor: I’m very sorry, sir. We are doing our best to find your luggage as soon as possible. We have checked the CCTV footage and we found that your luggage was mistakenly taken by another guest who checked out earlier today.
  • Guest: What? How could you let that happen? This is a serious mistake!
  • Supervisor: I agree, sir. This is a very rare and unfortunate incident. We have contacted the other guest and he has confirmed that he has your luggage. He said he will return it to us by tomorrow morning.
  • Guest: Tomorrow morning? That’s too late! I need my luggage now!
  • Supervisor: I understand, sir. But unfortunately, the other guest has already left the city and he is on his way to another destination. He said he will send your luggage back to us by express delivery as soon as he arrives there.
  • Guest: This is ridiculous! How can you compensate me for this trouble?
  • Supervisor: Sir, we are very sorry for this trouble and we will do everything we can to make it up to you. We will offer you a free upgrade to our deluxe suite for tonight and a complimentary breakfast for tomorrow morning. And of course, we will deliver your luggage to your room as soon as we receive it from the other guest.
  • Guest: Well, that’s something. But I hope you can learn from this mistake and improve your service quality in the future.
  • Supervisor: Of course, sir. We appreciate your feedback and we will take this as a lesson to improve our service standards. Once again, we apologize for this inconvenience and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

  • 行李员:下午好,先生。您有您的行李牌吗?
  • 客人:是的,给你。
  • 行李员:谢谢。请稍等一下,我去给您拿行李。
  • (行李员去行李房,拿回了两件行李。)
  • 行李员:这是您的行李,先生。总共有两件。请检查一下是否都完好无损。
  • 客人:等一下,我有三件行李。另外一件在哪里?
  • 行李员:对不起,先生。我只找到了两件和这张行李牌对应的行李。您能告诉我另外一件是什么样子的吗?
  • 客人:它是一个比较大的橙色手提纸袋,里面装的小孩子的衣服。我今天早上寄存行李的时候,把它放在了行李架上,和另外两件一起。
  • 行李员:我明白了。请不要担心,先生。我再回去行李房找一遍。
  • (行李员再次去行李房寻找失踪的行李,但是仍然没有找到。)
  • 行李员:非常抱歉,先生。我已经查遍了所有可能的地方,但是我仍然找不到您的行李。
  • 客人:什么?这怎么可能?这太让人无法接受了!
  • 行李员:我理解您的沮丧,先生。请让我向我的主管报告一下,看看我们能做些什么。
  • (行李员打电话给他的主管,解释了情况。)
  • 主管:(赶到现场)下午好,先生。我是这家酒店的行李台主管。我听说了您的行李遗失的事情,我为给您带来的不便表示歉意。
  • 客人:嗯,道歉是不够的。我的行李在哪里?里面有些对我的孩子们很重要的东西。
  • 主管:我非常抱歉,先生。我们正在尽我们最大的努力尽快找到您的行李。我们已经查看了监控录像,发现您的行李被另外一位今天早些时候退房的客人误拿走了。
  • 客人:什么?你们怎么会让这种事情发生?这是一个严重的错误!
  • 主管:我同意,先生。这是一个非常罕见和不幸的事件。我们已经联系了另外一位客人,他已经确认他拿错了您的行李。他说他明天早上会把它还给我们。
  • 客人:明天早上?那太晚了!我现在就需要我的行李!
  • 主管:我明白,先生。但不幸的是,另外一位客人已经离开了这个城市,他正在去往另一个目的地的路上。他说他一到那里就会用快递把您的行李寄回给我们。
  • 客人:这太荒谬了!你们怎么能补偿我这次的麻烦呢?
  • 主管:先生,我们非常抱歉给您造成了麻烦,我们会尽我们所能来弥补您。我们会为您免费升级到我们的豪华套房住一晚,并为您提供明天早上的免费早餐。我们还会免除您的行李寄存和运输的任何费用。当然,我们会在收到另外一位客人寄回的行李后,立即送到您的房间。
  • 客人:嗯,这还差不多,但我希望你们能从这个错误中吸取教训,提高你们的服务质量。
  • 主管:当然,先生。我们感谢您的反馈,我们会把这当作一个提高我们服务水准的教训。再次为给您带来的不便表示歉意,并感谢您的理解和合作。

Part 5. 课堂练习

  • Which of the following is a polite and standard greeting to ask the guest if they have their claim tag?

    • A. Do you have your claim tag, sir/madam?
    • B. Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. Do you have your claim tag?
    • C. Hello, sir/madam. Where is your claim tag?
    • D. Hi, sir/madam. Give me your claim tag.
    • Answer: B
  • Which of the following is a polite and concise way to tell the guest that you will get their luggage for them?

    • A. Please wait a moment, I’ll get your luggage for you.
    • B. Please sit down, I’ll bring your luggage to you.
    • C. Please be patient, I’ll find your luggage for you.
    • D. Please don’t move, I’ll fetch your luggage for you.
    • Answer: A
  • Which of the following is a polite and thoughtful way to hand over the luggage to the guest and remind them to check if everything is in order?

    • A. Here are your luggage, sir/madam. Please check if everything is in order.
    • B. Here is your luggage, sir/madam. Please check if anything is missing or broken.
    • C. Here you go, sir/madam. Please check if everything is OK.
    • D. Here it is, sir/madam. Please check if everything is fine.
    • Answer: A
  • Which of the following is a polite and indirect way to ask the guest to do something for you?

    • A. Could you please tell me when and where did you check your luggage?
    • B. Can you please show me your ID and contact information?
    • C. Would you please fill out this report form and sign it?
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D
  • Which of the following is a polite and sincere way to apologize for the inconvenience and offer some compensation to the guest?

    • A. I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience, sir/madam. We will offer you a free upgrade to our deluxe suite for tonight and a complimentary breakfast for tomorrow morning.
    • B. I’m very sorry for the trouble, sir/madam. We will give you a discount on your room rate for tonight and a free coupon for our restaurant.
    • C. I’m really sorry for the hassle, sir/madam. We will provide you with a free shuttle service to the airport and a souvenir from our gift shop.
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D


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