助力酒店管理 | 提升英语能力

餐饮英语 | 点菜服务

1. 基础词汇

  • Menu: 菜单
  • Dish: 菜品
  • Appetizer: 开胃菜
  • Main course: 主菜
  • Dessert: 甜点
  • Special: 特色菜
  • Recommendation: 推荐
  • Vegetarian: 素食的
  • Gluten-free: 无麸质的
  • Spicy: 辣的
  • Mild: 温和的
  • Fresh: 新鲜的
  • Grilled: 烤的
  • Fried: 炸的
  • Steamed: 蒸的
  • Sauce: 酱汁

2. 关键句型

  • “What would you like to order?”:用于询问客人的点菜需求。

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人坐下准备点菜时,服务员可以使用这个句型来询问客人的选择。注意要礼貌、友好地提问,并准备好记录客人的点菜内容。询问客是否可以点餐,则直接问客人:May I take your order, now?
    • Example 1: Waiter: What would you like to order? Customer: I’ll have the grilled salmon with mashed potatoes, please. Waiter: Great choice. Anything else? Translation: 服务员:您想点什么?顾客:我要一份烤三文鱼配土豆泥。服务员:很好的选择。还需要其他的吗?
    • Example 2: Waiter: What would you like to order? Customer: I’m a vegetarian. Do you have any vegetarian options? Waiter: Yes, we have a delicious vegetable stir-fry. Would you like that? Translation: 服务员:您想点什么?顾客:我是素食者。你们有素食选项吗?服务员:是的,我们有一道美味的蔬菜炒菜。您要尝试吗?
  • “Our specialty dish is the _. It’s a must-try.”:用于推荐特色菜。

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人不确定要点什么时,服务员可以使用这个句型来推荐餐厅的特色菜。强调特色菜的独特之处,鼓励客人尝试。
    • Example 1: Waiter: Our specialty dish is the “Lobster Thermidor.” It’s a rich and creamy lobster dish baked with cheese and breadcrumbs. Translation: 服务员:我们的特色菜是“龙虾烩饭”。它是一道富有奶油味的龙虾佳肴,上面撒满了奶酪和面包屑。
    • Example 2: Waiter: Our specialty dish is the “Tiramisu.” It’s a classic Italian dessert made with layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone cream. Translation: 服务员:我们的特色菜是“提拉米苏”。它是一道经典的意大利甜点,由咖啡浸泡的手指饼干和马斯卡彭奶油层层叠加而成。
  • “May I suggest the . It pairs well with .”:用于提供建议和搭配。

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人需要帮助选择或搭配菜品时,服务员可以使用这个句型来提供建议。推荐菜品和适合搭配的其他菜品或饮品。
    • Example 1: Waiter: May I suggest the “Grilled Ribeye Steak”? It pairs well with our garlic mashed potatoes. Translation: 服务员:我可以推荐一下“烤肉眼牛排”吗?它和我们的蒜泥土豆泥搭配得很好。
    • Example 2: Waiter: May I suggest the “Penne Arrabiata”? It pairs well with a glass of red wine. Translation: 服务员:我可以推荐一下“辣味番茄意面”吗?它和一杯红酒搭配得很好。
  • “I’ll make a note of your order.”:用于记录客人的点菜内容。

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人点菜完毕,服务员可以使用这个句型来表示会记下客人的点菜内容。确保正确记录客人的选择,避免出错。
    • Example 1: Waiter: I’ll make a note of your order. Grilled salmon with mashed potatoes. Anything else? Translation: 服务员:我会记下您的点菜内容。烤三文鱼配土豆泥。还需要其他的吗?
    • Example 2: Waiter: I’ll make a note of your order. Vegetable stir-fry for the vegetarian. Is there anything else you’d like? Translation: 服务员:我会记下您的点菜内容。素食者要一份蔬菜炒菜。还有其他的需求吗?

3. 情景对话


Waiter: Good evening! Welcome to our restaurant. Have you had a chance to look at the menu?

Guest: Yes, I have. Can you recommend any popular dishes?

Waiter: Certainly! Our chef’s special for tonight is the grilled salmon with lemon butter sauce. It’s highly recommended.

Guest: That sounds delicious. I’ll go with the grilled salmon, please.

Waiter: Excellent choice, And what would you like as your side dish? We have options like mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, or a mixed green salad.

Guest: I’ll have the steamed vegetables, please.

Waiter: Great. Your order of the grilled salmon with steamed vegetables will be up shortly. Can I get you anything else?

Guest: No, that will be all, thank you.

Waiter: Alright. I’ll place your order and it should be ready soon. Enjoy your meal.

Guest: Thank you.

Waiter: You’re welcome. If you need anything or have any dietary restrictions, please let me know.

Guest: I will. Thank you.



4. 课堂练习

  1. Waiter: What would you like to _? Any specific __ or allergies we should be aware of?

    • A) order / preferences
    • B) eat / choices
    • C) serve / requirements
    • D) have / tastes
    • 答案:A
  2. Waiter: Our specialty dish is the “_.” It’s a must-try.

    • A) appetizer
    • B) main course
    • C) dessert
    • D) side dish
    • 答案:B
  3. Waiter: May I suggest the “_“? It pairs well with _.

    • A) salad / wine
    • B) soup / bread
    • C) pasta / sauce
    • D) steak / vegetables
    • 答案:C
  4. Waiter: I’ll make a _ of your order.

    • A) note
    • B) list
    • C) record
    • D) reservation
    • 答案:A
  5. Waiter: What would you recommend as a _ dish?

    • A) special
    • B) popular
    • C) famous
    • D) new
    • 答案:A



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