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双语阅读 | 海南十佳岛礁 10 Best Islands in Hainan

China's Hainan Island is an idyllic but often overlooked vacation spot that's teeming with pristine nature. With soft, white-sand beaches dotted with coconut palms, lush mountain landscapes and year-round warm weather, it's easy to see why this tropical island is often nicknamed the ‘Hawaii of China’.

You can find many small islands and islets lie just off the coast of Hainan. Apart from watersports like parasailing, jet-skiing and banana boat rides, you can dive or snorkel between corals that thrive in crystal-clear water surrounding the islands. It's best to plan your trip between November and April when Hainan Island is generally quieter – do avoid Chinese New Year’s when travelling can be hectic. Check out our picks of the best islands to visit in Hainan below.



idyllic 平和美丽的 ; 完美无瑕的
overlooked 忽略 ; 未注意到 ; 不予理会,视而不见 ; 俯视 ; 眺望 ;
teeming 大量的 ; 充满的 ; 拥挤的 ; 倾注 ; 倾泻 ;
pristine 崭新的 ; 清新的 ; 未开发的 ; 处于原始状态的
coconut palm 椰子树 ;
year-round 全年的 ; 整整一年的
easy to 易于
nickname 给…起绰号

West Island

A gorgeous island with picture-perfect scenery


West Island lies in the centre of Sanya Bay on the south coast of Hainan, around 13 nautical km from downtown Sanya. It is home to over 3,000 people who have subsisted for generations by fishing. With idyllic surroundings of unspoilt beaches with palm trees, rocky coves and transparent water full of diverse marine life, who wouldn’t want to live here?

Besides sunbathing on beautiful beaches, canoeing, jet-skiing, parasailing, scuba diving and snorkelling, you can explore the rocky hills dotted all over West Island. Take a public bus number 16, 24 or 25 to Xiaoqi Port and transfer to a ferry that departs for the island every 20 minutes.




subsiste 维持生活,度日 ; 存在 ; 有效 ;
for generations 一连好几代,几代相传
unspoilt 未受损害的
full of 洋洋得意;自以为是
marine life 海洋生物
want to 应该
scuba diving 水肺潜水;戴水肺的潜水;斯库巴潜水
all over 到处,遍及 ; 全部完结
sunbathing 沐日光浴 ; 晒太阳 ;
beach 海滩 ; 沙滩 ; 海滨 ; 湖滨 ; 上岸 ; 把…拖上岸 ;
canoe 皮划艇运动 ; 划独木舟 ;
parasailing 帆伞运动 ; 水上拖伞运动
scuba diving 水肺潜水;戴水肺的潜水;斯库巴潜水
snorkelling 带呼吸管潜水 ; 徒手潜水 ; 用通气管潜泳 ;
dotted 有斑点的 ; 星罗棋布的 ; 遍布 ; 布满 ; 点缀 ;
dot的过去分词和过去式 all over 到处,遍及 ; 全部完结
departs 离开 ; 离去 ; 起程 ; 出发 ; 离职 ;

Phoenix Island 凤凰岛

A luxurious island resort 豪华的岛屿度假胜地

The tall, curved towers of Phoenix Island dominate the skyline of Sanya Bay. Dubbed the ‘Oriental Dubai’, the luxury resort occupies an artificial archipelago that's connected to the mainland's Guangming Street by a sightseeing bridge.

The resort has 5-star hotels, boutique apartments, a yacht clubhouse, shopping streets and a harbour for international passenger liners. Even if you aren’t staying at the resort, the striking and futuristic architecture is lovely to look at, particularly at night when a light show illuminates the buildings in different colours.



tower 塔 ; 建筑物的塔形部分 ; 塔楼 ; 发射塔 ; 高柜 ; 高架子 ; 远远高于,远远超过 ; 高耸,超越 ;
dominate 支配 ; 控制 ; 左右 ; 影响 ; 在…中具有最重要的特色 ; 在…中拥有最重要的位置 ; 俯视 ; 高耸于
skyline 轮廓线
occupy 使用,占用 ; 使用 ; 居住 ; 侵占 ; 占领 ; 占据 ;
archipelago 群岛 ; 列岛 ; 群岛周围的
connected to 与…相连接; 连接到…
sightseeing 观光 ; 游览 ; 参观 ;
yacht 帆船 ; 游艇 ; 快艇

harbour 港 ; 港口 ; 港湾 ; 窝藏,庇护 ; 怀有,心怀 ; 包含 ; 藏有
liner 邮轮 ; 衬里 ; 内衬 ;
Even if 即使 ; 尽管 ; 纵然
futuristic 极其现代的 ; 未来派的 ; 幻想未来的 ; 想象未来情况的
a light show 灯光表演
illuminates 照明 ; 照亮 ; 照射 ; 阐明 ; 解释 ; 用彩灯装饰

Wuzhizhou Island 蜈蚑洲岛

A hotspot for divers and snorkelers


Wuzhizhou Island is a very tiny islet that lies 30 km northeast of Sanya in Haitang Bay. Boasting white-sand beaches, crystal clear water and one of the best-preserved coral reefs in China, the 1.48-sq-km island is a paradise for watersports, especially scuba diving and snorkelling.

For panoramic sea views and stunning sunrises, head to Sunrise Rock on the southeast cliff of the island. You can also find seafood restaurants, bars and hotels dotting the island. To get there, take bus no. 28 from downtown Sanya to Wuzhizhou Island Wharf, where you can buy a ticket for the 15-minutes ferry ride across to the island. Ferries leave approximately every 30 minutes, starting from 8am.



panoramic 全景的 ; 远景的
stunning 极有魅力的;绝妙的;
sunrise 日出 ; 朝霞 ;
head to 引至,通到 ; 引出好结果
Ferries 费里斯 ; 渡船 ; 摆渡

Nanwan Monkey Island

Observe endangered Macaque monkeys



Nanwan Monkey Island is not technically an island, but rather a state-protected nature reserve on the Nanwan Peninsula, 14 km south of Lingshui County. True to its name, the reserve is home to about 1,500 endangered macaques – many of them are tame enough to greet visitors as they alight Nanwan's cable car. Spanning 2 km in length, the cable car is the longest oversea ropeway in China.

You can wander around the forested island and watch the monkeys swim, play and even perform circus tricks. Afterwards, enjoy a seafood meal on fishing rafts known as the ‘street on the sea’.


but rather 而宁可说是
nature reserve 自然保护区
True to its name 名副其实
enough to 足够…去做 ; 足以 ; 足够……可以
cable car 缆车,索车 ; 有轨缆车
in length 长度

Wanning Boundary Island 分界洲岛

For a day full of adventure 充满冒险的一天


Boundary Island is a gorgeous island located just off the southeast coast of Hainan, between Lingshui County and Wanning in Riyue Bay. It is also known as Fenjiezhou Island. You can expect clear and clean blue water, soft white-sand beaches and exquisite marine life on this well-preserved tropical island.

Looking for adventure? The small island offers a bevvy of outdoor activities including scuba diving, snorkelling, parasailing, yachting, hiking, volleyball, and a sightseeing submarine. Take a high-speed train from Sanya to Lingshui Railway Station, then a free shuttle bus to a ferry pier. The ride across to Boundary Island takes about 10 minutes.



known as 被称为 ; 被认为是 ; 以…而闻名
blue water 大海;公海
marine life 海洋生物
outdoor activities 户外活动
shuttle bus 穿梭巴士

Coconut Island

Be at one with nature on an unspoilt island 与自然融为一体


Coconut Island (Yezi Island) is a mostly uninhabited island located some 5 km east from the village of Lingshui, where the Lingshui River flows into the sea. The islet is pristine and abundant in coconut palm groves and is yet to be developed.

This 1-sq-km island is a must-visit if you’re seeking a day away from crowded beaches. There's nothing to do here apart from enjoying a stroll on the soft sand, listening to the sound of the waves as they gently crash on the beach, or enjoying a refreshing swim. Ask your hotel to help you rent a local boat to take you to Coconut Island.



islet 很小的岛 ; 小岛
abundant in 富有,有很多,…很丰富
groves 树丛 ; 小树林 ; 果树林 ; 果园 ; 街,路 ;
nothing to 比起……简直等于零
apart from 除了…外 ; 要不是 ; 此外 ; 加之
on the beach 在海滩上 ; 上岸 ; 失业,处于困境

Jiajing Island

A secluded spot for a beach day 海边度假的僻静之地


Jiajing Island lies in Shimei Bay on the southeast coast of Hainan and is one of Hainan’s last remaining uninhabited islands. The north and west shores are flat and surrounded by coral and tropical fish, offering excellent snorkelling and scuba diving opportunities.

There are no facilities on the island, so it’s best to bring your own snacks and water. The easiest and most convenient way to reach Jiajing Island is by signing up for an organised tour. Most trips will include a barbecue lunch and fruit.



uninhabited 无人居住的 ; 无人烟的 ; 荒凉的
shores 岸,滨 ; 国家 ; 支撑,使稳住 ; 用支柱撑住 ;
snorkelling 带呼吸管潜水 ; 徒手潜水 ; 用通气管潜泳 ;
organised 有组织的 ; 系统的 ; 有条理的 ; 有安排的

Zhouzai Island

Camp under the stars 在星空下露营


Located 3 km off the Shenzhou Peninsula, Zhouzai Island offers visitors sandy beaches and warm, transparent water set against a beautiful lush mountain landscape. For a day devoid of loud music, tourist crowds and vendors, this unfrequented island should be at the top of your places to explore when visiting Hainan.

Prolong your island experience by with an overnight stay on Zhouzai. Bring along a tent and everything else you might need for a night of remote island camping, as you won’t be able to buy anything here.



camping 宿营;露营;
transparent 透明的;清澈的;
set against 把…和…作比较 ; 把…对照…来看 ; 使…与…对立
stay on 继续留下
Bring along 把带来

Haidian Island

A non-touristy place to explore 一个非旅游景点的探索


Haidian Island is located in the north of Hainan and forms part of Haikou, the island province’s capital city. It's connected to the urban area via 4 bridges and has plenty of 5-star hotels and resorts.

While it’s not often on most people's list of places to visit, Haidian does offer several things to do. There's coastal path circling the island that starts at Baishamen Beach. It’s flat and excellent for runners, walkers and cyclists. You can also visit the Baishamen Lighthouse, which is the second tallest lighthouse in China and 6th tallest in the world.



located in 位于 ; 坐落于
part of 部分 Haikou 海口
capital city 首都
connected to 与…相连接; 连接到…
urban area 市区
plenty of 很多的
circling 盘旋,环行,转圈 ; 围绕…画圈 ; 圈出 ; 圈起

Dazhou Island

Snorkel in turquoise waters 在碧绿的海水中浮潜

Dazhou Island is a protected nature reserve and lies 5 km off the coast of Wanning. It’s also home to China’s exquisite Jinsi Swallow. The island consists of a northern and a southern mountain, with a 500-metre long sandy beach connecting them.

The warm, crystal-clear tropical waters surrounding the island mean snorkelers are treated to colourful fish and other marine creatures. To reach the island, take a short ferry ride from Wanning’s Wuchang Wharf to Dazhou Island. It’s also possible to bring your own tent and stay the night.



protected 受保护的 ; 保护 ; 防护 ; 实行贸易保护 ;
nature reserve 自然保护区
off the coast 在海面上
exquisite 精美的 ; 精致的 ; 剧烈的 ;
Swallow 吞下 ; 咽下 ; 做吞咽动作 ; 吞没 ;
consists 由…组成 ; 由…构成 ; 在于 ; 存在于 ;
connecting 连接 ; 联结 ; 使…连接 ; 接通 ;
creatures 生物 ; 动物 ; 人 ;
ferry 渡船 ; 摆渡 ; 渡运
tent 帐篷 ; 帐棚 ;

英文撰稿:Jacqui de Klerk

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