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销售部常用英语 | 千人沙滩烧烤预订




销售经理:S           客人:C
S:Good morning, this is the Sales Manager speaking. How can I assist you today?
C:Good morning. I'm organizing a group event at our hotel, and I'd like to arrange a beach buffet BBQ for our guests. The estimated number of attendees is around 600 to 800. Would that be possible?
S:Certainly, we can arrange that for you. May I know the date and time you would like to have the dinner?
C:We would like it on November 18th, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
S:Understood. And could you confirm the price per person for the buffet BBQ?
C:The price should be 280 yuan per person.
S:Great. Based on the estimated number of attendees, how many people are you expecting?
C:We expect around 700 guests.
S:Alright. We will note that down. Additionally, what would be the minimum guaranteed number of attendees for the event?
C:We can guarantee a minimum of 650 attendees.
S:Perfect. Just to inform you, our hotel policy states that if the actual number of attendees exceeds the estimated number, we will charge based on the actual number. However, if the number falls below the minimum guaranteed number, we will charge based on the originally booked number.
C:That's good to know. Thank you for your assistance.
S:You're welcome. Should you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact me. Have a great day!




1.attendees - 参与者,


We need to confirm the number of attendees
for the conference. (我们需要确认会议的参会人数。)

2.buffet - 自助餐,


The hotel provides a buffet breakfast for
its guests. (酒店为客人提供自助早餐。)

3.BBQ - 烧烤,


We're organizing a BBQ party for the hotel
staff next week. (下周我们将为酒店员工组织一个烧烤派对。)

4.estimated - 预计的,


The estimated arrival time for the group is
3 PM. (预计团队的到达时间是下午3点。)

5.confirm - 确认,


Please confirm the reservation details
before your arrival. (请在抵达前确认预订细节。)

6.price per person - 每人价格,


The price per person for the dinner buffet
is 250 yuan. (晚餐自助餐的每人价格是250元。)

7.guaranteed - 保证的,


We can offer a guaranteed room upgrade for
our VIP guests. (我们可以为贵宾客人提供确保升级的客房。)

8.hotel policy - 酒店政策,


According to the hotel policy, late
check-out may incur an additional fee. (根据酒店政策,延迟退房可能会有额外费用。)

9.exceeds - 超过,


If the number of guests exceeds the maximum
capacity, we might need to arrange an alternative venue. (如果客人数量超过最大容纳量,我们可能需要安排替代场地。)

10.falls below - 低于,


If the room occupancy rate falls below 70%,
we may need to adjust our pricing strategy. (如果房间入住率低于70%,我们可能需要调整定价策略。)




1.May I know...? (我可以知道...吗?)
May I know the check-in time for the hotel?
2.Could you confirm...? (您可以确认...吗?)
Could you confirm the number of rooms required for the group booking?
3.We would like it on... (我们希望在...时间。)
For the conference room, we would like it on December 15th.
4.Based on... (基于...)
Based on the number of attendees, we will arrange the seating plan accordingly.
5.Just to inform you... (只是提醒您...)
Just to inform you, the hotel offers complimentary breakfast for all guests.




1.What does "buffet" refer to?
1.A) A conference room booking
2.B) A self-service dining option
3.C) Room cleaning service
4.D) A hotel loyalty program
Answer: B
2.Which word means "to confirm"?
1.A) estimate
2.B) exceed
3.C) confirm
4.D) guarantee
Answer: C
3.What does "guaranteed" mean in the context of the dialogue?
1.A) Not likely to happen
2.B) Optional service
3.C) Unconfirmed reservation
4.D) Promised and assured
Answer: D
4.What is the hotel policy regarding the number of guests?
1.A) Guests can bring extra people without charge.
2.B) Guest numbers cannot exceed the minimum guaranteed.
3.C) Charges are based on the estimated numbers only.
4.D) Actual numbers are used for billing calculations.
Answer: D
5.Which sentence is correct?
1.A) Could you confirm the price per person for the conference?
2.B) May I know the number of attendees for the dinner buffet?
3.C) We would like it on 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
4.D) Just to inform you, the hotel doesn't provide breakfast.
Answer: B

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