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晚安的说法有很多,比如Good night、Sleep well、Sweet dreams等等,根据情况来选。记得,要等客人先挂电话,我们再挂。



1. What is the primary purpose of wake-up call services for group guests in hotels?
A. To offer a personalized alarm service.
B. To ensure all guests are ready for a scheduled departure or activity.
C. To provide a quiet environment for sleeping.
D. To monitor guests' sleeping patterns for quality improvement.

Answer: B
Explanation: The article states that wake-up call services are particularly important for group guests, as the group leader may want all guests to gather at a certain time in the morning to depart for a scenic spot or participate in an activity.

2. How should a hotel Guest Service Center operator greet a guest when answering a call?
A. Silently, to not disturb the guest.
B. With a professional and friendly "Good morning, this is the Guest Service Center. How may I assist you?"
C. By asking the guest to identify themselves.
D. By immediately asking if they need a wake-up call.

Answer: B
Explanation: The operator should start with a warm and friendly greeting, introducing themselves as the Guest Service Center and asking how they can assist the guest.

3. What information does a Guest Service Center operator need to confirm when a guest requests a wake-up call?
A. The guest's favorite breakfast order.
B. The guest's room number, name, and contact details.
C. The hotel's daily schedule of events.
D. The guest's preferred method of transportation.

Answer: B
Explanation: To ensure the accuracy of the service, the Guest Service Center operator must confirm the guest's room number, name, and contact details for the wake-up call.

4. What is the correct procedure after a wake-up call request is made?
A. Immediately hang up and forget about it.
B. Record the request and inform the guest of the confirmation.
C. Transfer the call to another department.
D. Repeat the request back to the guest and confirm the details.

Answer: D
Explanation: The operator should repeat the guest's wake-up call details, such as the time, room number, name, and method of wake-up, to ensure there are no errors.

5. How should a Guest Service Center operator conclude a call after a wake-up call has been scheduled?
A. By quickly hanging up.
B. By thanking the guest and wishing them a good night with a variety of expressions.
C. By reminding the guest to set their own alarm as a backup.
D. By discussing other hotel services and promotions.

Answer: B
Explanation: After confirming the wake-up call details, the operator should thank the guest for their call and wish them a good night, using one of the several expressions mentioned in the article, such as "Sleep well" or "Sweet dreams." The operator should also wait for the guest to hang up first.










1. What should a hotel Guest Service Center operator do when the phone rings?
A. Let it ring until the voicemail picks up.
B. Answer within three rings.
C. Ignore the call if they are busy with another task.
D. Only answer if they recognize the caller's number.

Answer: B
Explanation: The article emphasizes the importance of promptly answering calls, ideally within three rings, to provide efficient and professional service.

2. Why is it important for the Guest Service Center operator to confirm the caller's intention?
A. To avoid talking to the wrong person.
B. To quickly identify the caller's needs and prepare for the next steps.
C. To keep a record of all incoming calls.
D. To save time by not engaging in unnecessary conversations.

Answer: B
Explanation: Confirming the caller's intention helps the Guest Service Center operator to quickly understand and address the guest's needs, ensuring a smooth service process.

3. What should the Guest Service Center operator do if the guest is unsure about which department to be transferred to?
A. Transfer the call to a general helpline.
B. Ask the guest to call back later.
C. Record the guest's information for future reference.
D. Attempt to solve the guest's issue without transferring the call.

Answer: C
Explanation: If the guest's needs are complex or they are unsure about the appropriate department, the Guest Service Center operator should record the guest's information to facilitate accurate transfer and follow-up.

4. What is the Guest Service Center operator's role in the process of transferring a call?
A. They are merely a connection between the caller and the department.
B. They act as a bridge, transferring the call and providing context.
C. They should only transfer the call without giving any information.
D. They are responsible for solving the caller's problem directly.

Answer: B
Explanation: The Guest Service Center operator's role is not just to transfer the call but also to ensure that the receiving department is informed about the caller's needs, acting as a bridge and an information transmitter.

5. What should a Guest Service Center operator do after successfully transferring a call?
A. Immediately hang up without further communication.
B. Briefly inform the receiving department about the caller's purpose.
C. Stay on the line to monitor the conversation.
D. Provide feedback to the caller about the hotel's services.

Answer: B
Explanation: After transferring a call, the Guest Service Center operator should briefly inform the receiving department about the caller's intent, ensuring the caller's needs are met promptly and effectively. They should also confirm with the caller that their call has been successfully transferred.





对了,"让房间通风透气"英语可以说"Air out the room"或者"Ventilate the room",还有几种说法,可以根据情况选择。



1. What is the first step in preparing for room cleaning services in a hotel?
A. Attending a meeting with the housekeeping staff.
B. Wearing规定的 attire and maintaining neat personal appearance.
C. Checking the guest's special requests and room number.
D. Preparing cleaning supplies and linens in advance.

Answer: B
Explanation: The article emphasizes the importance of a neat appearance to create a good impression on guests as the first step in preparation.

2. How should housekeeping staff knock on a guest's door before entering?
A. Knock loudly and announce their role.
B. Knock gently, maintain a smile, and use a温和的声音.
C. Only knock if the "Do Not Disturb" sign is not hanging.
D. Use a key to open the door before knocking.

Answer: B
Explanation: The correct procedure is to knock gently, maintain a smile, and use a温和的声音 (gentle and soft voice) while announcing their role as housekeeping.

3. What should a housekeeper do if a guest agrees to have their room cleaned?
A. Begin cleaning immediately without further communication.
B. Ask the guest if they enjoyed their stay and if there are any special cleaning requests.
C. Leave the room and return later to clean.
D. Request additional cleaning supplies from the maintenance department.

Answer: B
Explanation: The housekeeper should engage in simple communication with the guest, inquiring about their stay and if they have any specific cleaning preferences or requests.

4. Which phrase can be used to ask a guest if it is okay to open the curtains and windows to let the room ventilate?
A. "May I open the curtains and windows first to let the room ventilate?"
B. "I need to air condition the room, is that okay?"
C. "Shall I let some fresh air in by opening the windows?"
D. "Is it alright if I allow the room to breathe?"

Answer: A
Explanation: The phrase "May I open the curtains and windows first to let the room ventilate?" is provided in the article as the correct way to ask for permission to ventilate the room.

5. What is an important aspect of the housekeeping staff's role after cleaning a guest's room?
A. Immediately leaving the room and securing the door.
B. Ensuring all cleaning supplies are removed from the room.
C. Confirming with the guest that there are no other needs or requests.
D. Scheduling the next cleaning time without consulting the guest.

Answer: C
Explanation: After cleaning, housekeeping staff should confirm with the guest if there are any other needs or requests, ensuring the guest is satisfied before concluding their service.



在收洗衣前,我们还会提醒客人清空衣物口袋,避免口袋里的物品在洗衣过程中受损。哦,对了,说到清空口袋,英语里可以说“Empty the pockets”或者“Clear out the pockets”,这样客人就能明白我们需要他们做什么。


1. What is the first step when a guest requests laundry service at a hotel?
A. Confirm the guest's room number.
B. Go to the guest's room to collect the laundry.
C. Ask the guest to fill out a laundry form.
D. Inform the guest of the laundry prices.

Answer: B
Explanation: The first step is for the housekeeping staff to go to the guest's room to collect the laundry. This is indicated by the phrase "I'm here to collect your laundry, if you're ready."

2. What should the housekeeping staff do upon arriving at the guest's room?
A. Enter the room without knocking.
B. Knock and introduce themselves as "Housekeeping."
C. Wait for the guest to open the door and then enter.
D. Call the guest's room from the front desk.

Answer: B
Explanation: The staff should knock and introduce themselves as "Housekeeping" to maintain professionalism and respect the guest's privacy.

3. What information should be confirmed when collecting laundry from a guest?
A. The guest's favorite TV channels.
B. The guest's laundry preferences and contact information.
C. The guest's room service history.
D. The guest's travel itinerary.

Answer: B
Explanation: The housekeeping staff should confirm the guest's room number, name, contact information, and the type of laundry service required, as well as the number of items to be laundered.

4. How should the housekeeping staff handle items found in the pockets of guest laundry?
A. Dispose of them immediately.
B. Return them to the guest without checking.
C. Notify the guest and ask for instructions.
D. Place them in the lost and found.

Answer: C
Explanation: The staff should notify the guest and ask for instructions on what to do with the items found in the pockets, ensuring the guest's belongings are handled properly.

5. What is the appropriate way to ask a guest to empty their pockets before laundry service?
A. "Empty the pockets."
B. "Clear out the pockets."
C. "Remove everything from the pockets."
D. All of the above.

Answer: D
Explanation: All three phrases can be used to ask a guest to remove items from their pockets before laundry service. The choice depends on the context and the level of formality desired. The phrase provided in the article is "Could you please remove/clear out everything from the pockets of your clothes?" which is a polite and professional way to communicate this request.







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