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前厅英语 | 问询服务

前厅英语 | 问询服务

Part 1: 基础词汇

  • 在这一部分,您将学习一些与酒店前厅部问询服务相关的基础词汇和短语。这些词汇和短语在这个场景中非常重要和常用。您应该记住它们,并练习用它们造句。以下是20个词汇和短语及其中文意思的列表:
English Chinese
inquiry 询问
information 信息
service 服务
guest 客人
receptionist 前台接待员
concierge 礼宾员
bellboy 行李员
location 地点
direction 方向
distance 距离
transportation 交通
attraction 景点
reservation 预订
recommendation 推荐
facility 设施
amenity 便利设施
map 地图
brochure 小册子
guidebook 旅游指南
feedback 反馈


Part 2: 关键句型


  1. “Can you recommend any local tourist attractions?” (你能推荐一些当地的旅游景点吗?)

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人向前台咨询当地旅游景点时,员工可以使用这个句型向客人提供推荐。注意要了解客人的兴趣和需求,以便提供合适的建议。
    • 例句1:Can you recommend any local tourist attractions? I’m interested in historical sites. (你能推荐一些当地的旅游景点吗?我对历史遗迹感兴趣。)
    • 例句2:Sure! There are several popular tourist attractions in the city. Let me give you some recommendations. (当然!这个城市有几个受欢迎的旅游景点。让我给你一些建议。)
  2. “What are some famous local dishes I should try?” (有哪些当地著名的菜肴我应该尝试一下?)

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人想了解当地的知名小吃或特色菜肴时,员工可以使用这个句型来介绍。可以提供菜肴的名称、特点和推荐的餐厅。
    • 例句1:What are some famous local dishes I should try? I’m a food lover and want to explore the local cuisine. (有哪些当地著名的菜肴我应该尝试一下?我是个美食爱好者,想探索当地的美食。)
    • 例句2:There are several must-try dishes in this city. One of the famous ones is the local specialty called “Xiao Long Bao,” which are delicious soup dumplings. (这个城市有几道必尝的菜肴。其中一个著名的是当地的特色菜肴叫做“小笼包”,是美味的汤包。)
  3. “Are there any popular shopping areas nearby?” (附近有哪些受欢迎的购物区域?)

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人想了解附近的购物区域时,员工可以使用这个句型提供相关信息。可以介绍购物中心、商业街等地点和特色。
    • 例句1:Are there any popular shopping areas nearby? I’m interested in fashion and souvenirs. (附近有哪些受欢迎的购物区域?我对时尚和纪念品感兴趣。)
    • 例句2:Yes, there are several popular shopping areas in the vicinity. One of them is the Central Market, where you can find a variety of local products and handicrafts. (是的,附近有几个受欢迎的购物区域。其中一个是中央市场,你可以找到各种当地产品和手工艺品。)
  4. “What outdoor activities are available in this area?” (这个地区有哪些户外活动可参加?)

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人想了解该地区的户外活动时,员工可以使用这个句型提供相关信息。可以介绍登山、徒步、水上活动等。
    • 例句1:What outdoor activities are available in this area? I enjoy hiking and water sports. (这个地区有哪些户外活动可参加?我喜欢徒步和水上运动。)
    • 例句2:There are plenty of outdoor activities you can enjoy here. You can go hiking in the nearby mountains or try water sports like kayaking and paddleboarding at the beach. (这里有很多户外活动供您享受。您可以在附近的山区徒步,也可以在海滩上尝试皮划艇和划桨板等水上运动。)
  5. “Is there a local festival or event happening during my stay?” (在我入住期间有当地的节日或活动吗?)

    • 使用场景和注意事项:当客人想了解入住期间是否有当地的节日或活动时,员工可以使用这个句型提供相关信息。可以介绍节日的日期、庆祝活动和参与方式。
    • 例句1:Is there a local festival or event happening during my stay? I’d love to experience the local culture. (在我入住期间有当地的节日或活动吗?我想体验当地的文化。)
    • 例句2:Yes, there is a local festival called the “Harvest Festival” happening during your stay. It includes cultural performances, traditional food stalls, and a grand parade. (是的,在您入住期间有一个叫做“丰收节”的当地节日。活动包括文化表演、传统美食摊位和盛大的游行。)


Part 3:情景对话

Guest: Good morning! I’m planning to explore some attractions around Sanya. Can you recommend any must-visit places?

Staff: Good morning! Absolutely! Sanya has a lot to offer. One of the must-visit attractions is Yalong Bay. It’s known for its stunning beach and crystal-clear waters, perfect for swimming and sunbathing.

Guest: That sounds wonderful! Are there any other attractions worth visiting?

Staff: Definitely! Another popular spot is Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone. It’s famous for its massive Guanyin statue and beautiful Buddhist temples. You can also enjoy breathtaking views from the top of the hill.

Guest: That’s intriguing! I’m also interested in trying some local delicacies. Are there any famous local dishes I should try in Sanya?

Staff: Absolutely! When it comes to local cuisine, you must try the famous Hainanese rice noodles. We have a few varieties here, such as Houan Rice Noodle, Baoluo Rice Noodle, and Gangmen Rice Noodle. They are all delicious and have their unique flavors.

Guest: I’ve never tried Hainanese rice noodles before. Which one would you recommend?

Staff: If you prefer a lighter flavor, I would recommend trying the Houan Rice Noodle. It’s made with thin rice noodles, fresh seafood, and a flavorful broth. For a richer taste, you can go for the Baoluo Rice Noodle, which has a thicker broth and various toppings like pork and peanuts.

Guest: They both sound tempting! Where can I find these rice noodle dishes?

Staff: You can find these local delicacies at many local food stalls and restaurants in Sanya. If you’re looking for a popular spot, I suggest visiting the local food street in the city center. It’s a vibrant area with a wide range of food options, including the Hainanese rice noodles.

Guest: That’s great! I’ll make sure to check out the local food street. Thank you for your recommendations!

Staff: You’re very welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Enjoy your time exploring Sanya and savoring the local flavors!

Guest: Thank you! I appreciate your help. I’m excited to explore the attractions and try the local delicacies. Have a great day!

Staff: You too! Have a fantastic day and enjoy your adventures in Sanya!

客人: 早上好!我计划探索一些三亚周边的景点。你能推荐一些必去的地方吗?

员工: 早上好!当然可以!三亚有很多值得一游的地方。其中一个必去的景点是亚龙湾。它以其迷人的海滩和清澈的海水而闻名,非常适合游泳和晒太阳。

客人: 听起来太棒了!还有其他值得参观的景点吗?

员工: 当然!另一个受欢迎的景点是南山文化旅游区。它以巨大的观音像和美丽的佛教寺庙而闻名。你还可以从山顶欣赏到令人惊叹的景色。

客人: 那听起来很有趣!我也对尝试一些当地的美食感兴趣。三亚有哪些著名的当地菜肴我应该尝试?

员工: 当然!说到当地美食,你一定要尝试一下著名的海南粉类小吃。我们这里有几种品种,比如后安粉、抱罗粉和港门粉。它们都非常美味,各有其独特的风味。

客人: 我以前从未尝试过海南粉类小吃。你推荐哪一种?

员工: 如果你喜欢口味清淡一些,我推荐尝试后安粉。它是用细米粉、新鲜海鲜和美味的汤底制作而成的。如果你喜欢更浓郁的口味,可以尝试抱罗粉,它有较浓的汤底,还有猪肉和花生等各种配料。

客人: 它们听起来都很诱人!我可以在哪里找到这些粉类小吃?

员工: 你可以在三亚的许多当地小吃摊位和餐馆找到这些美食。如果你想找一个受欢迎的地方,我建议你去市中心的当地美食街。那是一个充满活力的地区,有各种各样的美食选择,包括海南粉类小吃。

客人: 太好了!我一定会去看看当地美食街。谢谢你的推荐!

员工: 不客气!如果你还有其他问题或需要进一步帮助,请随时提问。祝你在三亚探索和品尝当地美食时度过愉快的时光!

客人: 谢谢!感谢你的帮助。我很期待探索景点和品尝当地美食。祝你有愉快的一天!

员工: 你也一样!祝你在三亚的冒险中度过美好的一天!

Part 4:课堂练习


  1. Guest: Excuse me, _?

    Staff: Of course! One popular attraction in the area is the Yalong Bay. It offers stunning views and a rich cultural experience.

    • A) is there any famous local attractions nearby
    • B) Where is the nearest restaurant
    • C) How can I get to the beach
    • D) When is the hotel check-out time?
  2. Staff: Good morning! How can I assist you?

    Guest: I’m looking for some _ to bring back home as souvenirs. Is there a gift shop nearby?

    • A) Sightseeing spots
    • B) Local delicacies
    • C) Shopping malls
    • D) Historical landmarks
  3. Guest: Is there a _ in the hotel where I can have breakfast?

    Staff: Yes, we have a _ on the ground floor. It serves a variety of dishes to start your day.

    • A) Restaurant
    • B) Fitness center
    • C) Swimming pool
    • D) Business center
  4. Staff: Welcome to our hotel! How may I help you today?

    Guest: I need to _ for a taxi to the airport tomorrow morning. Can you arrange that for me?

    • A) Check out
    • B) Make a reservation
    • C) Book a tour
    • D) Order room service
  5. Guest: Excuse me, Are there any nearby beaches where I can relax and swim?

    Staff: Yes, there are a few beautiful beaches within walking distance. _ Yalong Bay. It’s known for its crystal-clear waters.

    • A) The best one is
    • B) The cheapest one is
    • C) The closest one is
    • D) The beautiful one is


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C


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